President Obama made an unannounced stop at a Gap store in midtown Manhattan on Tuesday to buy some clothes for his wife and daughters and make a pitch for increasing the minimum wage. 这周二,美国总统奥巴马意外现身纽约曼哈顿中心的Gap商店,为妻女选购衣物,并借机呼吁商家增加员工最低工资。
Now, to stop prices spiralling further out of sight the government must supplement its populism with a proper strategy to close the gap between demand and supply, starting with London. 如今,为了避免价格进一步攀升至遥不可及的高度,政府必须在民粹主义之外拿出适当的策略来弥合需求和供应之间的差距,从伦敦开始。
Ask me why you made a brilliant performance, the idea is very simple: I will not put things make it very successful, just draw a full stop, must want to leave a gap, let me go fill it subordinates. 你们问我为什么会取得辉煌的业绩,道理很简单:我不会把事情做得很圆满,就像画个句号,一定要留个缺口,让我的下属去填满它。
At 17 he turned into a straight shooter and used pills only as a stop gap. children addicted to narcotic drugs 他17岁就成了注射毒品的瘾君子。服药丸只是暂时行为。吸食麻醉品成瘾的儿童
Stop a leak in a pipe, a gap in a hedge 堵住管子的漏洞、树篱的缺口
For example, the method could help doctors quickly make human antibodies against a pandemic flu strain as a stop gap therapy, or to protect people against infection, said the researchers. 例如,这种方法可以帮助医生在短时间内制备出针对当时大范围流行的流感病毒的人抗体,可作为治疗的权宜之计或保护人们免于感染。
The pole terminal matching with the radius of a leakage container is utilized to stop the leak, and a gap between the pole terminal and the leakage container is controlled in a preset range. 采用与泄露容器半径相匹配的极靴进行堵漏,能保证了极靴与泄漏容器间的气隙控制在预定范围内。
When traffic is stop and go, try to get a large gap in front again and go slowly. 当车流停了下来,然后开始前进,设法在你的前面保留大车距并慢慢地开。
In order to reverse the negative situation in which traditional theories and practices can hardly stop the trend of species extinction, a holistic strategy for biodiversity conservation at landscape and regional levels is raised and underpinned by GAP analysis approach. 为扭转传统保护思路难以适应现代生物多样性保护需求这一被动现状,人们开始采用一种基于景观和区域尺度的整体保护策略,GAP分析就是实现这种保护策略的主要支撑技术。
Two band stop filters are designed using EBG ( electromagnetic band gap) structure based on the design formula. The central frequencies of stop band are 4 GHz and 6 GHz respectively. 根据电磁阻带结构的设计公式,设计了2个阻带中心频率分别为4GHz和6GHz的带阻滤波器,调整刻蚀单元的尺寸可以改变带阻滤波器的阻带衰减值。
Therefore, a popular movement for "deathbed care" is the best model to stop the gap between the reality and the future. 因此,推广和开展“临终关怀”是在现实与未来之间的最好的理想模式。
However, this does not offer translators an excuse to stop tackling the problem, in contrast, they need to find out more and better methods to overcome this gap effectively. 但是,这不能作为翻译家们逃避问题的借口,相反,应该更加努力地寻找更多、更有效的方法跨越这道鸿沟。